Supports booking via computer, mobile phone or kiosk. Supports booking based on map, QR code scan or NFC. Supports various booking functions, such as single-person multi-day meeting booking, booking for others, team booking and booking once again.
Supports global search to locate an employee or workplace based on map, so that you can easily know who will work at which shared workplace from when to when.
Supports custom rules, e.g. whether a meeting room can be booked by certain departments, whether booking in batch is allowed, or how many days a meeting can be booked in advance. For example, only one workplace can be booked at the same time, or the set workplace is opened to different departments or members.
Wireless IoT sensors developed by DFocus's hardware R&D team are compact and sensitive, which can be mounted on various furniture and in various spaces. These sensors can continuously operate up to 5 years and accurately identify space occupancy by using smart optimization algorithm.
Kiosk shows complete floor information in the plane via interactive map. Each type of space is an option that allows an employee to quickly choose a space about to be used or conduct operation like booking, card swipe, search and cancellation for smart, interactive space management.
Powerful IoT data base station developed by DFocus can cover every corner of office space, achieve data transmission from/to more than 1000 sensors, and convoy your data by using UPS and power loss alarm function.
Clearly shows key information of all office spaces, such as real-time status, employee information and booked time, effectively provides simple, visualized user interface for all meeting attendees, and helps employees and visitors quickly identify their project team or partner.
Equipped with 4-color LED strips, unparalleled desktop booking terminal provides reliable information display, keeps space information consistent, and supports booking via NFC, QR code, etc.